Saturday 14 November 2020

Montague News


Montague news - its open! ahem

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Good news – The Monty is open!

Bad news – its selling plants and xmas trees! Oh and mini Santa Claus for £26 a pop. Large xmas trees are promised next week, so beat a path to Queens Rd , New Cross, SE14 asap and get yourself some stuff. Green stuff, not the amber nectar or black with white top Irish concoction lots of you seem to adore. You can gaze at the bar, taps and lists, wallow in nostalgia. The young lady told me its 3 years since it closed. Really?

The new shop is called Temple Essence. They have a shop in Clapham High St and a website called But I reckon you know all you need to already friends. Read it and weep...